
are you a cow or a buffalo ?

 Are you a cow or a buffalo ? ------------------------------------- Cows and buffaloes have very different approaches when dealing with storms. On seeing one approach, cows tend to run away from it, while buffaloes to run toward it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cow and Buffalo Theory... The Cow  theory suggests that if you run fast and far enough, you might be able to delay the impact, cushion the blow, or even avoid the storm altogether. Running away from the storm increses the chances of it dying down before catching up. Buffaloes, however, have a different approach. Instead of running away from the storm, afraid of it catching up, buffaloes believe in facing it upfront. The sooner you encounter the storm, the sooner it'll pass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the face of it, the buffalo approach seems braver, wiser, and classier. In the past few days, I've seen multiple r...

Our Brain is not Programmed for the Happiness.....

  Our Brain is not Programmed for Happiness..... Ever wondered why your mind keeps dwindling back to  the ideas of negativity, scarcity, and criticism instead of  focusing on positivity. ------------------------------------------ GRATITUDE? Feeling of Gratitude We have read and heard a thousand times that heeding to the ideas of a prosperous life is the first step towards actually building one. We know that statistically, at any given point in time, we have more to be grateful for than to be ungrateful about. We know we should focus on abundance but no matter how hard we try, somehow somewhere a switch goes off and our brain returns to its old negative thinking habits. ------------------------------------------ YOU KNOW WHY? It's because focusing on happiness is not our brain's default mechanism. It might sound counterintuitive but our brain is not designed to make us happy. Rather, it has only one agenda in mind. ------------------------------------------ SURVIVAL <Fa...

The Paradox of Possessiveness.....

  The Paradox of Possessiveness < insecurity, entitlement, and us > H ere goes the thing, Possessiveness roots either from crippling insecurity or a false sense of  entitlement . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Crippling Insecurity When you have low self-esteem, you don't feel worthy enough to define yourself by yourself alone. You rely on the possessions and people in your life to fill up that blank space for you. "I'm a doctor." "I'm her boyfriend." "I'm a millionaire." "I'm a writer." "I'm a mother." "That's my most precious gift." "I can't live without XYZ." You overly align yourself with a few particular labels because it's more comforting (and socially convenient) than saying, "I'm me." Low self-esteem relies on worldly labels. ---------------------------------...

The Paradox Of Suffering.....

  Most of us, whether we acknowledge it or not, come from a place of privilege.  Don’t you agree? Well, if you’re reading this, it’s more than likely that you have eyes that can see and hands that can work. You are literate with a smartphone and an internet connection. Congratulations and Welcome to the privileged club, where all of us are living someone else’s dream! Anyway... In spite of having access to so many luxuries in life, our minds have a tendency to concentrate more on things that cause us discomfort and less on things that bring us joy. Instead of being grateful for a wonderful family, a steady job, and access to a healthy lifestyle, we constantly seem to focus on that one relationship that didn’t work, that one promotion we didn’t get, and those few kilos that refuse to shed. Ever wondered why? Why do we pay so much attention to things that hurt us? In spite of having thousands of things to be grateful for, why does our mind constantly go back to that one thing th...