are you a cow or a buffalo ?

 Are you a cow or a buffalo ?


Cows and buffaloes have very different approaches when dealing with storms.

On seeing one approach, cows tend to run away from it, while buffaloes to run toward it.

Cow and Buffalo Theory...

The Cow theory suggests that if you run fast and far enough, you might be able to delay the impact, cushion the blow, or even avoid the storm altogether.

Running away from the storm increses the chances of it dying down before catching up.

Buffaloes, however, have a different approach. Instead of running away from the storm, afraid of it catching up, buffaloes believe in facing it upfront.

The sooner you encounter the storm, the sooner it'll pass.


On the face of it, the buffalo approach seems braver, wiser, and classier.

In the past few days, I've seen multiple reels that preach you to be a buffalo. To run towards your troubles and not away from them.

They have some merit too. Facing your problems head-on is almost always better than running away from your responsibilities, isn't it?


However, it's not a universal solution. Before heedlessly running towards your problems, you should evaluate whether the mess is worth your time and energy.

You got to be picky about your battles. After all, not all wars are meant to be fought. 
Only the necessary ones are.


Headlines like the one I used trick you into believing that if you're not a buffalo, you're doing it wrong. That if you're not running toward your problems, you'll somehow be left behind.

But that's not true. Life isn't an either-or.

There are times when you need to face your problems, there are phases when you need to avoid them, and there are days when you just need to sit down and wait for your troubles to pass.

There's no right or wrong here. To each his own. We come from such varied backgrounds that propagating a standard operating procedure doesn't seem the noble way forward.

Written By - Aryan Singh Chauhan
     The Cow and the Buffalo - Kevin Paul Scott 

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